In order to enhance integration and improve the efficiency, competitiveness in the transport sector, initiatives to facilitate transportation services among ASEAN countries have been implemented to simplify and harmonize the international transport procedures, reducing logistics time and costs in transporting goods and passengers in the ASEAN region.
Key Transport Agreements in ASEAN include:
1. ASEAN Multilateral Agreement on Full Liberalization of Passenger Air Services (2010) (Vietnamese) (English)
2. ASEAN Multilateral Agreement on Full Liberalization of Air Freight Services (2009) (English)
3. ASEAN Multilateral Agreement on Air Services (2009) (Vietnamese) (English)
4. ASEAN Agreement on Facilitating Transboundary Transportation (2009) (Vietnamese) (English)
5. ASEAN Framework Agreement on Multimodal Transport (2005) (Vietnamese) (English)
6. ASEAN Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Transit (1998) (Vietnamese) (English)
7. Agreement on the Recognition of Commercial Vehicle Inspection Certificate for means of transport of goods and public services (1998)(English)